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[ Daily / Weekly / Overview ]

Sep 09 - Sep 15, 2024

Table of Contents / Code Quality

Sep 02 - Sep 08, 2024

Table of Contents / Micro Frameworks

Table of Contents / Files

Table of Contents / E-commerce

Table of Contents / Numbers

Aug 26 - Sep 01, 2024

Table of Contents / Testing

Table of Contents / Documentation

Table of Contents / Code Quality

Aug 12 - Aug 18, 2024

Table of Contents / Code Quality

Table of Contents / Event

Table of Contents / Filtering, Sanitizing and Validation

Configuration / Miscellaneous

Configuration / PHP Installation

Configuration / Development Environment

Aug 05 - Aug 11, 2024

Configuration / LLMs

Jul 29 - Aug 04, 2024

Configuration / PHP Videos

Jul 01 - Jul 07, 2024

Table of Contents / Composer Repositories

Table of Contents / Content Management Systems (CMS)

Table of Contents / Security

Table of Contents / Static Analysis

May 20 - May 26, 2024

Table of Contents / Code Analysis

Table of Contents / Filtering, Sanitizing and Validation

Apr 08 - Apr 14, 2024

Table of Contents / Imagery

Mar 11 - Mar 17, 2024

Table of Contents / Micro Frameworks

Table of Contents / Security

Table of Contents / Code Analysis

Table of Contents / E-commerce

Table of Contents / Strings

Configuration / Miscellaneous

Mar 04 - Mar 10, 2024

Table of Contents / Security

Feb 26 - Mar 03, 2024

Configuration / PHP Books

Configuration / PHP Conferences

Configuration / PHP Podcasts

Feb 19 - Feb 25, 2024

Table of Contents / Error Tracking and Monitoring Services

Feb 12 - Feb 18, 2024

Table of Contents / Content Management Systems (CMS)

Table of Contents / Event

Configuration / Development Environment

Configuration / Text Editors and IDEs

Feb 05 - Feb 11, 2024

Table of Contents / Content Management Systems (CMS)

Table of Contents / Scraping

Table of Contents / Testing

Table of Contents / Code Analysis

Table of Contents / Event

Table of Contents / PDF

Table of Contents / Markup and CSS

Configuration / PHP Websites

Configuration / PHP Internals Reading

Jan 15 - Jan 21, 2024

Table of Contents / API

Jan 01 - Jan 07, 2024

Table of Contents / Dependency Management Extras

Table of Contents / Frameworks

Table of Contents / Framework Extras

Table of Contents / Streams

Table of Contents / Continuous Integration

Table of Contents / Documentation

Table of Contents / Security

Table of Contents / Code Quality

Table of Contents / Architectural

Table of Contents / PDF

Table of Contents / Office

Table of Contents / NoSQL

Table of Contents / Authentication and Authorization

Table of Contents / Numbers

Configuration / Development Environment

Configuration / PHP Podcasts

Jul 18 - Jul 24, 2022

Table of Contents / Strings

Jun 27 - Jul 03, 2022

Table of Contents / Frameworks

Table of Contents / Testing

Table of Contents / Security

May 30 - Jun 05, 2022

Table of Contents / Content Management Systems (CMS)

Table of Contents / Components

Table of Contents / Templating

Table of Contents / Static Site Generators

Table of Contents / HTTP

Table of Contents / Email

Table of Contents / Testing

Table of Contents / Continuous Integration

Table of Contents / Documentation

Table of Contents / Static Analysis

Table of Contents / Architectural

Table of Contents / Asset Management

Table of Contents / Database

Table of Contents / Search

Table of Contents / API

Table of Contents / Serverless

Configuration / Extensions

Configuration / Infrastructure

Configuration / PHP Websites

Configuration / PHP Newsletters

Configuration / PHP Internals Reading

Nov 08 - Nov 14, 2021

Table of Contents / JSON

Oct 18 - Oct 24, 2021

Configuration / Web Applications

Aug 16 - Aug 22, 2021

Table of Contents / Dependency Management

Table of Contents / Dependency Management Extras

Table of Contents / Scraping

Table of Contents / Debugging and Profiling

Table of Contents / Build Tools

Table of Contents / Geolocation

Table of Contents / Event

Table of Contents / Database

Table of Contents / Authentication and Authorization

Table of Contents / Markup and CSS

Table of Contents / JSON

Table of Contents / Numbers

Table of Contents / Caching and Locking

Configuration / Miscellaneous

Configuration / Development Environment

Configuration / PHP Reading

Jun 28 - Jul 04, 2021

Configuration / Development Environment

Jun 14 - Jun 20, 2021

Table of Contents / Dependency Management Extras

Table of Contents / Code Quality

Jun 07 - Jun 13, 2021

Table of Contents / Code Analysis

Table of Contents / Search

Feb 08 - Feb 14, 2021

Table of Contents / Dependency Management Extras

Table of Contents / Testing

Configuration / PHP Websites

Configuration / PHP Videos

Nov 23 - Nov 29, 2020

Table of Contents / Testing

Nov 09 - Nov 15, 2020

Table of Contents / Components

Oct 26 - Nov 01, 2020

Table of Contents / Content Management Systems (CMS)

Table of Contents / Dependency Injection

Table of Contents / Testing

Table of Contents / Build Tools

Table of Contents / NoSQL

Configuration / Web Applications

Sep 28 - Oct 04, 2020

Table of Contents / Content Management Systems (CMS)

Table of Contents / Components

Jul 20 - Jul 26, 2020

Table of Contents / Email

Table of Contents / Debugging and Profiling

Configuration / PHP Books

Jun 15 - Jun 21, 2020

Table of Contents / Testing

Configuration / PHP Internals Reading

Jun 08 - Jun 14, 2020

Table of Contents / Frameworks

Configuration / PHP Podcasts

Configuration / PHP Internals Reading

Jun 01 - Jun 07, 2020

Table of Contents / Asset Management

May 25 - May 31, 2020

Table of Contents / Code Analysis

May 18 - May 24, 2020

Table of Contents / Frameworks

Table of Contents / Components

Table of Contents / Micro Frameworks

Table of Contents / HTTP

Table of Contents / Middlewares

Table of Contents / Email

Table of Contents / Files

Table of Contents / Dependency Injection

Table of Contents / Testing

Table of Contents / Continuous Integration

Table of Contents / Documentation

Table of Contents / Event

Table of Contents / Database

Table of Contents / Queue

Table of Contents / Strings

Table of Contents / Filtering, Sanitizing and Validation

Table of Contents / API

Table of Contents / Caching and Locking

Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage

Table of Contents / Internationalisation and Localisation

Configuration / Serverless

Configuration / PHP Installation

Configuration / Development Environment

Configuration / Virtual Machines

Configuration / PHP Videos

May 11 - May 17, 2020

Table of Contents / Dependency Management Extras

Table of Contents / Security

Configuration / Third Party APIs

Mar 09 - Mar 15, 2020

Table of Contents / Framework Extras

Mar 02 - Mar 08, 2020

Table of Contents / Database

Feb 24 - Mar 01, 2020

Table of Contents / Scraping

Feb 10 - Feb 16, 2020

Configuration / Third Party APIs

Jan 20 - Jan 26, 2020

Table of Contents / Code Analysis

Table of Contents / Markup and CSS

Jan 13 - Jan 19, 2020

Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage

Jan 06 - Jan 12, 2020

Table of Contents / Static Analysis

Configuration / Miscellaneous

Dec 16 - Dec 22, 2019

Table of Contents / Serverless

Nov 04 - Nov 10, 2019

Table of Contents / Continuous Integration

Table of Contents / Navigation

Table of Contents / Strings

Oct 28 - Nov 03, 2019

Table of Contents / Event

Oct 07 - Oct 13, 2019

Table of Contents / Frameworks

Table of Contents / Debugging and Profiling

Jul 29 - Aug 04, 2019

Table of Contents / HTTP

Table of Contents / Scraping

Table of Contents / Debugging and Profiling

Table of Contents / Event

Table of Contents / Office

Table of Contents / Serverless

Configuration / Serverless

Configuration / Virtual Machines

May 13 - May 19, 2019

Table of Contents / Composer Repositories

Table of Contents / Framework Extras

Table of Contents / Content Management Systems (CMS)

Table of Contents / Templating

Table of Contents / HTTP

Table of Contents / Files

Table of Contents / Imagery

Table of Contents / Testing

Table of Contents / Continuous Integration

Table of Contents / Passwords

Table of Contents / Code Quality

Table of Contents / Static Analysis

Table of Contents / Architectural

Table of Contents / Debugging and Profiling

Table of Contents / Task Runners

Table of Contents / Geolocation

Table of Contents / Date and Time

Table of Contents / Queue

Table of Contents / Authentication and Authorization

Table of Contents / Filtering, Sanitizing and Validation

Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage

Configuration / Third Party APIs

Configuration / Extensions

Configuration / Text Editors and IDEs

Configuration / PHP Websites

Configuration / PHP Books

Oct 22 - Oct 28, 2018

Table of Contents / Security

Jul 02 - Jul 08, 2018

Configuration / PHP Installation

Jun 11 - Jun 17, 2018

Table of Contents / Database

Table of Contents / Migrations

Configuration / Infrastructure

Jun 04 - Jun 10, 2018

Table of Contents / Static Analysis

Mar 12 - Mar 18, 2018

Table of Contents / Micro Framework Extras

Table of Contents / Testing

Table of Contents / Event

Table of Contents / E-commerce

Configuration / Third Party APIs

Feb 19 - Feb 25, 2018

Table of Contents / Strings

Configuration / PHP Websites

Dec 11 - Dec 17, 2017

Table of Contents / HTTP

Table of Contents / Code Analysis

Table of Contents / Code Quality

Table of Contents / Static Analysis

Table of Contents / Database

Configuration / Text Editors and IDEs

Nov 27 - Dec 03, 2017

Configuration / Miscellaneous

Nov 20 - Nov 26, 2017

Table of Contents / URL

Oct 30 - Nov 05, 2017

Table of Contents / Architectural

Sep 04 - Sep 10, 2017

Table of Contents / Database

Jul 24 - Jul 30, 2017

Table of Contents / Templating

Table of Contents / Email

Table of Contents / Dependency Injection

Jul 03 - Jul 09, 2017

Table of Contents / Command Line

Jun 26 - Jul 02, 2017

Table of Contents / Migrations

Jun 12 - Jun 18, 2017

Table of Contents / Caching and Locking

May 08 - May 14, 2017

Table of Contents / Dependency Injection

Table of Contents / Security

Apr 24 - Apr 30, 2017

Table of Contents / Testing

Apr 17 - Apr 23, 2017

Table of Contents / Composer Repositories

Table of Contents / Dependency Management

Apr 03 - Apr 09, 2017

Table of Contents / Routers

Table of Contents / Dependency Injection

Table of Contents / Database

Table of Contents / Command Line

Table of Contents / Authentication and Authorization

Table of Contents / Filtering, Sanitizing and Validation

Table of Contents / Internationalisation and Localisation

Configuration / PHP Websites

Configuration / PHP Books

Mar 13 - Mar 19, 2017

Table of Contents / Authentication and Authorization

Mar 06 - Mar 12, 2017

Table of Contents / Dependency Injection

Table of Contents / Debugging and Profiling

Feb 27 - Mar 05, 2017

Configuration / PHP Books

Feb 06 - Feb 12, 2017

Table of Contents / Components

Dec 19 - Dec 25, 2016

Table of Contents / Date and Time

Dec 12 - Dec 18, 2016

Table of Contents / Event

Nov 28 - Dec 04, 2016

Configuration / PHP Podcasts

Nov 21 - Nov 27, 2016

Table of Contents / Micro Frameworks

Table of Contents / Files

Nov 14 - Nov 20, 2016

Configuration / Development Environment

Nov 07 - Nov 13, 2016

Table of Contents / Code Analysis

Configuration / PHP Podcasts

Oct 03 - Oct 09, 2016

Table of Contents / Caching and Locking

Sep 19 - Sep 25, 2016

Table of Contents / Middlewares

Table of Contents / Testing

Sep 12 - Sep 18, 2016

Table of Contents / Testing

Table of Contents / Build Tools

Table of Contents / Task Runners

Aug 22 - Aug 28, 2016

Table of Contents / Continuous Integration

Aug 08 - Aug 14, 2016

Table of Contents / Build Tools

Jul 18 - Jul 24, 2016

Table of Contents / Date and Time

May 30 - Jun 05, 2016

Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage

May 16 - May 22, 2016

Configuration / Miscellaneous

May 02 - May 08, 2016

Table of Contents / Testing

Apr 18 - Apr 24, 2016

Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage

Apr 11 - Apr 17, 2016

Table of Contents / Filtering, Sanitizing and Validation

Apr 04 - Apr 10, 2016

Table of Contents / Dependency Management Extras

Table of Contents / Routers

Table of Contents / Static Site Generators

Table of Contents / HTTP

Table of Contents / Scraping

Table of Contents / URL

Table of Contents / Email

Table of Contents / Files

Table of Contents / Imagery

Table of Contents / Testing

Table of Contents / Security

Table of Contents / Passwords

Table of Contents / Code Analysis

Table of Contents / Architectural

Table of Contents / Debugging and Profiling

Table of Contents / Navigation

Table of Contents / Date and Time

Table of Contents / Event

Table of Contents / Logging

Table of Contents / E-commerce

Table of Contents / PDF

Table of Contents / Office

Table of Contents / Migrations

Table of Contents / Queue

Table of Contents / Search

Table of Contents / Command Line

Table of Contents / Authentication and Authorization

Table of Contents / Markup and CSS

Table of Contents / Strings

Table of Contents / Numbers

Table of Contents / Filtering, Sanitizing and Validation

Table of Contents / API

Table of Contents / Caching and Locking

Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage

Table of Contents / Notifications

Table of Contents / Deployment

Configuration / Third Party APIs

Configuration / Miscellaneous

Configuration / PHP Installation

Configuration / PHP Websites

Configuration / PHP Books

Configuration / PHP Videos

Mar 28 - Apr 03, 2016

Table of Contents / Task Runners

Table of Contents / Event

Mar 21 - Mar 27, 2016

Configuration / Infrastructure

Mar 14 - Mar 20, 2016

Table of Contents / Dependency Injection

Table of Contents / Imagery

Mar 07 - Mar 13, 2016

Table of Contents / Routers

Feb 29 - Mar 06, 2016

Table of Contents / Email

Feb 08 - Feb 14, 2016

Table of Contents / Queue

Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage

Configuration / Development Environment

Jan 25 - Jan 31, 2016

Table of Contents / Micro Framework Extras

Table of Contents / Imagery

Table of Contents / Debugging and Profiling

Table of Contents / Asset Management

Table of Contents / Geolocation

Table of Contents / Office

Table of Contents / Caching and Locking

Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage

Configuration / PHP Installation

Configuration / Virtual Machines

Configuration / Web Applications

Oct 12 - Oct 18, 2015

Table of Contents / Event

Sep 28 - Oct 04, 2015

Table of Contents / Framework Extras

Aug 24 - Aug 30, 2015

Table of Contents / Markup and CSS

Table of Contents / Notifications

Aug 10 - Aug 16, 2015

Table of Contents / Passwords

Table of Contents / Architectural

Aug 03 - Aug 09, 2015

Configuration / PHP Conferences

Jun 22 - Jun 28, 2015

Table of Contents / HTTP

Jun 01 - Jun 07, 2015

Table of Contents / Filtering, Sanitizing and Validation

May 25 - May 31, 2015

Table of Contents / E-commerce

May 04 - May 10, 2015

Table of Contents / Migrations

Table of Contents / NoSQL

Mar 23 - Mar 29, 2015

Table of Contents / Code Analysis

Mar 09 - Mar 15, 2015

Table of Contents / Architectural

Feb 09 - Feb 15, 2015

Table of Contents / Components

Table of Contents / Routers

Table of Contents / Dependency Injection

Table of Contents / Imagery

Table of Contents / Event

Table of Contents / Authentication and Authorization

Dec 08 - Dec 14, 2014

Table of Contents / Continuous Integration

Table of Contents / Passwords

Table of Contents / Debugging and Profiling

Table of Contents / Numbers

Table of Contents / API

Nov 17 - Nov 23, 2014

Table of Contents / Email

Table of Contents / Testing

Nov 03 - Nov 09, 2014

Table of Contents / Database

Configuration / Text Editors and IDEs

Sep 01 - Sep 07, 2014

Table of Contents / Imagery

Aug 25 - Aug 31, 2014

Table of Contents / Email

Jul 28 - Aug 03, 2014

Table of Contents / Passwords

Jul 21 - Jul 27, 2014

Table of Contents / Strings

Jul 14 - Jul 20, 2014

Table of Contents / Dependency Management

Table of Contents / Markup and CSS

Table of Contents / Deployment

Configuration / PHP Books

Jun 30 - Jul 06, 2014

Table of Contents / Strings

Jun 02 - Jun 08, 2014

Table of Contents / E-commerce

Jan 13 - Jan 19, 2014

Table of Contents / Strings

Table of Contents / Numbers

Configuration / Web Applications

Dec 16 - Dec 22, 2013

Table of Contents / Documentation

Dec 02 - Dec 08, 2013

Table of Contents / Templating

Table of Contents / Queue

Nov 18 - Nov 24, 2013

Configuration / Third Party APIs

Oct 28 - Nov 03, 2013

Table of Contents / Search

Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2013

Table of Contents / Notifications

Jul 01 - Jul 07, 2013

Table of Contents / Geolocation

Table of Contents / Database

Jun 24 - Jun 30, 2013

Table of Contents / Streams

Table of Contents / E-commerce

Table of Contents / API

Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage

Table of Contents / Notifications

Jun 17 - Jun 23, 2013

Table of Contents / Event

Jun 10 - Jun 16, 2013

Table of Contents / Geolocation

Table of Contents / Markup and CSS

May 13 - May 19, 2013

Table of Contents / Database

Apr 22 - Apr 28, 2013

Table of Contents / HTTP

Table of Contents / URL

Table of Contents / PDF

Table of Contents / Command Line

Table of Contents / Strings

Table of Contents / Filtering, Sanitizing and Validation

Apr 08 - Apr 14, 2013

Table of Contents / Templating

Mar 25 - Mar 31, 2013

Table of Contents / Testing

Mar 11 - Mar 17, 2013

Configuration / PHP Books

Feb 18 - Feb 24, 2013

Table of Contents / Dependency Management

Dec 03 - Dec 09, 2012

Table of Contents / API

Nov 05 - Nov 11, 2012

Table of Contents / Templating

Oct 08 - Oct 14, 2012

Table of Contents / Strings

Sep 10 - Sep 16, 2012

Table of Contents / Date and Time