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Collection of awesome Python types, stubs, plugins, and tools to work with them.

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[ Daily / Weekly / Overview ]

Sep 15, 2024

Stub packages

Jul 12, 2024

Backports and improvements

Jul 07, 2024

Tools / Linters

Apr 11, 2024

Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code

Apr 02, 2024

Additional types

Mar 05, 2024

Static type checkers

Nov 14, 2023

Stub packages

Additional types

Jul 08, 2023

Static type checkers

May 30, 2023

Static type checkers

Feb 09, 2023

Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code

Articles / Third-party articles

Dec 11, 2022

Articles / Third-party articles

Oct 05, 2022

Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code

Sep 02, 2022

Backports and improvements

Sep 01, 2022

Tools / Working with types

Aug 31, 2022

Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code

Mar 02, 2022

Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code

Feb 12, 2022

Stub packages

Jan 25, 2022

Dynamic type checkers

Stub packages

Articles / Third-party articles

Jan 19, 2022

Tools / Testing

Tools / Working with types

Jan 13, 2022

Dynamic type checkers

Tools / Linters

Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code

Articles / Third-party articles

Dec 02, 2021

Tools / Linters

Oct 02, 2021

Articles / Third-party articles

Sep 05, 2021

Tools / Mypy plugins

Jul 21, 2021

Stub packages

Integrations / Mypy plugins

Jul 20, 2021

Tools / Mypy plugins

Jul 16, 2021

Static type checkers

Dynamic type checkers

Stub packages

Additional types

Tools / Linters

Tools / Working with types

Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code

Integrations / Mypy plugins

Jul 15, 2021

Static type checkers

Dynamic type checkers

Stub packages

Backports and improvements

Tools / Linters

Tools / Testing

Tools / Working with types

Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code

Tools / Mypy plugins

Integrations / Mypy plugins

Articles / Third-party articles

Communities / Third-party articles

Jun 29, 2021

Stub packages

May 27, 2021

Articles / Third-party articles

Mar 24, 2021

Stub packages

Mar 13, 2021

Tools / Linters

Mar 03, 2021

Dynamic type checkers

Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code

Oct 01, 2020

Tools / Working with types

Sep 17, 2020

Tools / Linters

Jun 01, 2020

Tools / Testing

May 19, 2020

Articles / PEPs

Dec 17, 2019

Dynamic type checkers

Oct 08, 2019

Dynamic type checkers

Oct 06, 2019

Stub packages

Oct 02, 2019

Tools / Working with types

Sep 28, 2019

Articles / Third-party articles

Sep 19, 2019

Static type checkers

Stub packages

Tools / Linters

Tools / Testing

Tools / Working with types

Tools / Mypy plugins

Integrations / Mypy plugins

Articles / Third-party articles

Communities / Third-party articles

Related / Third-party articles