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:chart_with_upwards_trend: Curated list of resources to help you get started with Data Science

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[ Daily / Weekly / Overview ]

Jun 03 - Jun 09, 2024

What is Data Science?

Jul 29 - Aug 04, 2019

Data Science using Python / Various other helpful tools and resources

May 20 - May 26, 2019

What is Data Science?

May 06 - May 12, 2019

Data Science using Python / General

Sep 25 - Oct 01, 2017

What is Data Science?

Common Algorithms and Procedures

Data Science using Python / Learning Python

Data Science using Python / pandas

Data Science using Python / Jupyter Notebook

Data Science using Python / Various other helpful tools and resources

Data Science Challenges for Beginners / Various other helpful tools and resources

Jul 31 - Aug 06, 2017

What is Data Science?

Common Algorithms and Procedures

Data Science using Python / scikit-learn

Jul 10 - Jul 16, 2017

Common Algorithms and Procedures

Data Science using Python / Learning Python

Data Science using Python / numpy

Data Science using Python / pandas

Data Science using Python / scikit-learn

Data Science using Python / Jupyter Notebook

Data Science using Python / Various other helpful tools and resources

More advanced resources and lists / Various other helpful tools and resources