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A curated list of awesome resources for Electronic Engineers and hobbyists
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Jan 13, 2025
Part Search Engines / Altium
- JLCSearch - Find the most popular in-stock JLC components for different categories
Sep 19, 2024
Part Search Engines / Altium
- Yoo Need One - SMD Marking Database - Surface Mount Device (SMD) component marking database.
Jun 05, 2024
Documentation / University Course Archives
- tscircuit - Open source EDA package for schematic and PCB design using React
Apr 04, 2024
Arabic Section / Help
- Complete EE Course - دورة الالكترونيات العملية
- Complete Digital Electronics Course - دورة الالكترونيات الرقمية
- professional Electronics Design - دورة التصميم الالكتروني المحترف كاملة
- professional PCB Design - دورة تصميم اللوحات المطبوعة (PCB)
Jan 06, 2024
Simulators / Analog and Mixed Signal Circuit Simulators
- LTspice - The industry standard free SPICE circuit simulator from Linear Technologies. Also see the unofficial LTwiki and Group.
- ngspice - Open source SPICE circuit simulator.
- Circuit JS/Falstad - Free, open source online simulator with electron flow visualization (rewrite of original Java applet by Paul Falstad).
- EveryCircuit - Free to try online, visual, interactive circuit simulator for simpler circuits.
- Qucs - Open source, cross-platform, non-SPICE-based circuit simulator, with with S-parameter and Harmonic Balance capability.
- Qucs-S - Open source fork of Qucs using SPICE for simulation.
- QucsStudio - Free, closed-source, Windows-only fork of Qucs with a similar interface, new engine, and more features.
- Open Circuit Design Software - Open Source, full EDA suite chip design suite, focused on keeping up with commercial tools.
- TINA-TI - Exclusive DesignSoft-TINA build for Texas Instruments, bundled with Texas Instruments Models.
- CppSim - Free, open source circuit simulator that leverages the C++ language to achieve very fast simulation times.
- Scilab with Xcos - Free, open source numerical computing alternative to MATLAB. Xcos provides Electrical System modeling capability similar to Simulink.
- iCircuit - Easy to use electronic circuit simulator, its advanced simulation engine can handle both analog and digital circuits and features realtime always-on analysis.
- Micro-Cap - Professional-grade mixed signal simulator with wide variety of interactive simulation types.
- GeckoCIRCUITS - Open Source Power Electronic Circuit Simulator. GitHub Project (⭐65). Direct download link due to broken website.
Paid EDA Packages / Installable
- Proteus - PCB Design and Circuit Simulator Software.
- Altium - PCB Design Software & Tools.
Simulators / Verilog HDL Simulators
- Verilator - Free, open source Verilog compiler. Test benches are in C++ or SystemC. Very fast, but limted to 2-state, cycle-based simulation, and synthesizeable code only.
- Icarus Verilog - Free, open source verilog interpreter. Test benches are in behavioral verilog. Simulation is 4-state, and event-based.
Free EDA Packages / Installable
- KiCad - Open source EDA package with push and shove router, differential pairs and much more.
- Eagle - One of the most popular EDA packages due to it's (board size restricted) free version.
- DesignSpark PCB - Gratis EDA package without restrictions, sponserd by RS Components.
- Altium CircuitMaker - Free package from the maker of the go to pro software.
- gEDA - Another open source package, good for people that like scripting and makefiles, Linux and BSD only.
- DipTrace - Quality Schematic Capture and PCB Design software with (pin and signal layer restricted) free version.
- LibrePCB - A new, powerful and intuitive EDA tool for everyone, cross-platform and GNU GPLv3.
- Horizon EDA (⭐1.1k) - A free and open source EDA tool with the focus on shortcut operation.
- EasyEDA - Easy to use with both browser based and cross platform app versions. Integrates LCSC and JLCPCB component catalogs with 3D models.
Part Search Engines / Altium
- Octopart - Probably the most well known part search engine.
- Findchips - Part search from Supply Frame.
- - Another search engine from Supply Frame geared towards discovering new parts.
- Electronic Component Search Engine - Free access to schematic symbols, PCB footprints and 3D models.
3D Part Models / Help
- GrabCad - Community supported database of 3D models with a large number of electronic component models.
- 3D ContentCentral - Website dedicated to 3D models of parts (requires login).
Jan 03, 2024
Project Sharing Platforms / Altium
- WikiFactory - A project hosting and collaboration platform for product development. Filter for "electronics" for more electronics related projects.
- Instructables - A social site for sharing projects. Filter for "circuits" for more electronics related projects.
Dec 26, 2023
Learning / Courses
- NEETS (Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series) - U.S. Navy Non-Resident Training Course Material.
- NPTEL - Has all free engineering courses including electronics, electrical and communcation engineering.
- Udemy courses related to Electronics - Top paid courses available on Udemy.
- Coursera courses related to Electronics - Includes some free courses that provide e-certificates on completion.
Learning / Theory
- Electronics textbook - Text covers design and function of electronic circuits and components, DC analysis, and AC analysis.
- Student Handbook - Language used in this book easily understandable covers evolution, fundamentals, diode, rectifiers, transistors and its applications, SCR, DIAC and TRIAC.
- Electronics circuits and systems - Quality free e-book covering all topics under circuits and systems, highly recommended for conceptual understanding.
Gerber Viewers / Installable
- ZofZPCB - FREE 3D Gerber Viewer.
CAD Specific / KiCad
- KiBot (⭐596) - Generate the fabrication and documentation files for your KiCad projects easily, repeatable, and most of all, scriptably.
CAD Specific / Altium
- Altium Designer Libraries -
of electronic components from different manufacturers.
Miscellaneous Software Projects / Altium
- NinjaCalc - An embedded engineering calculator toolbox for doing calculations in a breeze.
- Saturn PCB Design Toolkit - The Saturn PCB Toolkit is the best freeware resource for PCB related calculations you can find.
Oct 05, 2023
Gerber Viewers / Installable
- KiCAD Gerbview - The KiCAD gerber viewer.
- GC-Prevue - Commercial with free version. Can handle some gerbers better than Gerbv and KiCAD.
Aug 05, 2023
Other Lists / Help
- TCAD Central - List of Technology CAD (TCAD) software and resources from the maker of DEVSIM.
Feb 09, 2023
Documentation / University Course Archives
- Tabula - Extract tabular data from a pdf, very useful for extracting pin tables or part characteristics from datasheets.
- WebPlotDigitizer - Extract data from plots, charts, etc., very useful for getting part performance curves from datasheets.
- WaveDrom - Create waveforms and timing diagrams from a JSON description file.
Jan 19, 2023
PCB Batching Services / Altium
- PCBWay - Low cost PCB batching service with PCBA, CNC and 3D-Printing services.
Sep 27, 2022
Other Lists / Help
- upb-lea/awesome-open-source-power-electronics (⭐209) - Open source software list specialized on power electronics.
Jul 08, 2022
Project Sharing Platforms / Altium
- Eyrie - For viewing Eagle and KiCad designs online.
Miscellaneous Software Projects / Altium
- Language PCB (⭐20) - Syntax highlighting for various PCB formats.
Jun 23, 2022
Other Lists / Help
- delftopenhardware/awesome-open-hardware (⭐480) - Helpful items for making and learning about open source hardware projects.
Dec 17, 2021
Documentation / University Course Archives
- Inkscape Electric Symbols (⭐411) - Circuit Drawing Symbols for Inkscape
Jul 15, 2021
Other Lists / Help
- Awesome Lattice FPGAs (⭐316) - A curated list of awesome open-source FPGA boards.
- TM90/awesome-hwd-tools (⭐73) - A curated list of hardware design tools with a focus on chip design.
Mar 05, 2021
Subscription Kit Services / Help
- HackerBoxes - A monthly surprise box which includes projects, components, modules and tools.
Feb 23, 2021
Learning / Technical Tutorials
- How to design a motherboard for your electronics project - Introductory tutorial on Schematic & PCB design
Oct 03, 2020
Blogs / Altium
- N-O-D-E - Blog about DIY electronics, hardware, and technology.
Jul 05, 2020
Videos / Help
- BigClive - YouTube channel about teardowns (including dangerous products), circuit reverse-engineering and tutorials.
- Strange Parts - YouTube channel about electronics, manufacturing, making, world travel, living in and making things in China.
May 21, 2020
PCB Batching Services / Altium
- PCBShopper - Comparison service for quite a lot of different PCB batching and assembly services.
Project Sharing Platforms / Altium
- Kitspace - Project sharing site that helps you buy parts and re-build projects. Open source and developed by yours truly.
- CADLAB - Another Git-based project hosting and collaboration platform for hardware development.
Inventory Management and Purchasing / Altium
- PartsBox - Web service to manage your part inventory with a nice user interface and Octopart integration.
- PartKeepr - Open source web service for managing your part inventory with parametric search and automatic datasheet import.
Miscellaneous Software Projects / Altium
- SnapEDA - Parts library with free symbols & footprints. (Compatible with Eagle, KiCad, Altium, OrCad, Allegro, etc.)
Podcasts / Help
- - Christopher and Elecia White discuss embedded systems development and much more, often with guests.
- The Spark Gap Podcast - Covers a specific EE topic each episode, sometimes with guests.
May 18, 2020
Learning / Courses
- Khan Academy - Electrical Engineering - Non-profit learning platform with a full course on electrical engineering and related topics.
Learning / Theory
- Lessons In Electric Circuits - Free high quality textbooks and worksheets with emphasis on theory, simulation, and the socratic method.
- Ultimate Electronics: Practical Circuit Design and Analysis - Free online book with interactive schematics & simulations by CircuitLab (under development).
CAD Specific / KiCad
- Forums - User discussion and help forum.
- Footprint Collection (⭐325) - Collection of all the KiCad footprints available online and some scripts to manage them.
Project Sharing Platforms / Altium
- - Another social site for sharing projects. Is well organised by platform, topic and product.
- InventHub - Git-based project hosting and collaboration platform for hardware development.
Blogs / Altium
- - Another blog covering electronics.
Forums / Help
- /r/askelectronics - Sub-reddit dedicated to help on electronics topics.
- Electronics Stack Exchange - Question and answer site for electronics running on the popular Stack Overflow service.
- EEVBlog beginners forum - Good place for beginner questions, other sub-forums on EEVblog should be suitable for questions on more advanced topics.
Podcasts / Help
- The Amp Hour - Off-the-cuff chat about electronics with Chris Gammel and Dave Jones (EEVBlog), often with guests
- MacroFab Engineering Podcast - Weekly podcast where Parker and Stephen from MacroFab discuss EE topics and industry news.
- The Engineering Commons Podcast - Covers general engineering topics from mechanical to electrical.
Other Lists / Help
- PwnKitteh/InsanelyCheapElectronics (⭐360) - A list of cheap electronics from China, that you can use in your projects.
- intajay/open-electronics (⭐559) - Another GitHub list: resources for Electronics Enthusiasts and Hardware Hackers.
- Vitorian/awesome-fpga (⭐343) - Awesome list of FPGA resources.
- cajt/list_of_robot_electronics (⭐340) - A GitHub list of resources, projects and products for robot electronics.
- embedded-boston/awesome-embedded-systems (⭐808) - Awesome list of embedded programming resources.
May 12, 2020
Videos / Help
- Robert Feranec - 100+ Hardware design tips and tricks. Videos about Schematic design and PCB layout.
May 11, 2020
Learning / University Course Archives
- Berkeley EECS - Comprehensive EE & CS course website archives.
- Dr. Jacob Baker - Courses and tutorials, professor at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
- Dr. Abraham, Dr. McDermot, and Dr. Valvano - Courses materials, professors at UT Austin
May 08, 2020
Learning / Technical Tutorials
- Uses of Different Soldering Iron Tips - Covers what all those different soldering iron tips are good for.
Gerber Viewers / Online
- Tracespace Viewer - Gerber viewer that lets you inspect the individual layers as well as the board preview.
- Gerblook - Online Gerber viewer powered by Gerbv.
- Stackrate Viewer - Easy to use online gerber viewer with trace hovering and measurement tools.
CAD Specific / KiCad
- Cheatsheet (also in landscape) - Short PDF that goes over the menus and keyboard shortcuts for the most common operations.
CAD Specific / Eagle
Other Lists / Help
- PCB/EDA software list on the EEVblog forums - A much more comprehensive list of all the software tools available.
Sep 28, 2019
CAD Specific / KiCad
- InteractiveHtmlBom (⭐3.9k) - A html BOM generation tool for manual pick and place.
PCB Batching Services / Altium
- JLCPCB - Low cost PCB batching service with inhouse low cost SMT service.
Blogs / Altium
- Dangerous Prototypes - Blog about open source hardware projects and interesting app notes.
Aug 18, 2018
Learning / Technical Tutorials
- "skill" tag on - A wide variety of technical tutorials on various EE related skills.
- Soldering is Easy - Comic book that goes over the basics of soldering that has been translated into quite a few languages.
Apr 28, 2018
Gerber Viewers / Online
- CircuitPeople - No frills 2D layer viewer for Gerbers, without the excessive processing.
CAD Specific / KiCad
- Contextual Electronics' Shine on You Crazy KiCad - Beginner video tutorial that gets you to a manufactured board as quickly as possible.
- Contextual Electronics' Getting to Blinky Tutorial - A more comprehensive beginner to intermediate video tutorial.
PCB Batching Services / Altium
- Dirty PCBs - Low cost PCB batching service that prides itself on its "dirty" quality.
Development Board Retailers / Altium
- Sparkfun - Retailer and designer of open source electronics development boards and other equipment and materials with excellent accompanying tutorials.
- Adafruit - Another retailer and designer with excellent selection and tutorials.
Forums / Discussion
- EEVBlog forum - Probably the largest and most active forum to discuss Electronic Engineering topics.
- /r/electronics and /r/ECE are the two most active sub-reddits for EE topics.
Videos / Help
- EEVblog - One of the earliest and most successful YouTube channels where Dave Jones does teardowns, tutorials and more.
Subscription Kit Services / Help
- AdaBox - Curated Adafruit products, unique collectibles, and exclusive discounts. All delivered quarterly.
Feb 07, 2018
Inventory Management and Purchasing / Altium
- Part-DB (⭐159) - Another open source web service for managing part inventory with a permission system and a good barcode generator.
Nov 13, 2017
PCB Batching Services / Altium
- Aisler - Affordable quality circuit boards made in and shipped from Europe (Germany).
May 31, 2017
Blogs / Altium
- Hackaday - Probably the most popular blog covering electronics and hardware hacking with a whole staff of writers.
- Bald Engineer - Project logs, tutorials and articles about electronics and embedded software by James Lewis.
- Rheingold Heavy - More project logs, tutorials and articles about electronics and embedded software, these ones by Dan Hienzsch.
Mar 07, 2017
Videos / Help
- Ben Eater - Series of videos on building an 8-bit computer on breadboards with excellent explanations of all the sub-circuits.
Feb 10, 2017
Development Board Retailers / Altium
- Tindie - Marketplace for electronics makers to sell low volume batches of their own designs.
Feb 06, 2017
Project Sharing Platforms / Altium
- - Social site for sharing projects from the popular blog.
Feb 02, 2017
Videos / Help
- Julian Ilett - Buys cheapest electronic modules he can find and tries to do useful things with them.
- MikesElectricStuff - Teardowns, large lighting projects, xrays and more.
Jan 31, 2017
CAD Specific / Eagle
Videos / Help
- Mr. Carlson's Lab - Teardowns, repairs and restorations with an emphasis on classic electronics gear.
- GreatScott - Electronics tutorials, projects and how to's.
Jan 30, 2017
PCB Batching Services / Altium
- OSH Park - Low cost PCB batching service with high quality boards with a signature purple silkscreen.
Jan 28, 2017
Videos / Help
- w2aew - Excellent tutorials about basic and complex analog hardware.
Jan 16, 2017
Gerber Viewers / Online
- Mayhew Labs 3dpcb - 3D Gerber viewer.
Gerber Viewers / Installable
- Gerbv - Excellent Gerber viewer for Linux and BSD.
CAD Specific / KiCad
- Keyboard PCB Guide (⭐4.5k) - Comprehensive written tutorial that takes you through creating a keyboard PCB.
Blogs / Altium
- - Andrew 'Bunnie' Huang covers hardware hacking, open hardware, manufacturing and more.
Videos / Help
- ElectroBOOM - YouTube channel that debunks and explains EE topics with a lot of comedy thrown in.
- Micah Scott - Video logs of reverse engineering and re-purposing consumer electronics hardware in creative ways.
- Afrotechmods - Tutorials on electronics projects, often suitable for beginners as well.
- The Signal Path - Very in depth teardowns, repairs and reviews of lab equipment and prototyping products.