Awesome List Updates on Sep 16 - Sep 22, 2024

26 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Translations

Articles / Machine translation

2. Awesome Electronics

Part Search Engines / Altium

3. Awesome Terraform

Managed Terraform Platforms 💲 / IDE

4. Awesome Ai Tools

Editor's Choice

5. Awesome Algorithms

Books / Algorithms and Data structures

6. Awesome Ocaml

Large Source Code Examples

7. Awesome Integration

Projects / API Management

Projects / API Design

Projects / API Documentation

Projects / API Testing

Projects / Data Mapping Solution

Projects / ESB

Projects / Integration Frameworks

Projects / Messaging

Projects / Workflow engine

Resources / Data Formats

8. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML



9. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / Dev Tools

10. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

11. Awesome Elixir

Command Line Applications

12. Awesome Go

Microsoft Word

Science and Data Analysis

13. Awesome Ipfs

Pinning services

14. Awesome Mac

Reading and Writing Tools / Journaling

15. Learn to Program


MDN Learning Area

Free guides on fundamental web development concepts
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility, performance, React, Ember, Vue, Svelte, Angular, Git, GitHub)

Flexbox Froggy

Free game that teaches the CSS Flexbox

16. Alternative Internet


17. Awesome Appimage

AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for .NET Core (Mono) applications

18. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Analytics

Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums

Software / Feed Readers

Software / Photo and Video Galleries

Software / Polls and Events

19. Awesome Polars

Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Python

20. Awesome Kotlin

Libraries/Frameworks / Extensions

Kotlin Native / Projects

21. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Critical Views about Generative AI

Autonomous LLM Agents / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-image

Image Segmentation / Deforum

22. Urban and Regional Planning Resources

Public Data Resources / Environment and Ecosystem Services

Platforms and Software Resources / Urban Design Tools and Platforms

Platforms and Software Resources / Transportation Planning Tools and Platforms

23. Awesome Angular

Blogs / Google Developer Experts

On-Site Training / Google Developer Experts

Server-Side Rendering / Google Developer Experts

Charts / Google Developer Experts

Form Controls / Google Developer Experts

Tailwind CSS Based / Google Developer Experts

24. Topics

List of interesting topics

List of public profiles of Selvakumaran Krishnan

List of articles and posts

List of forum responses


25. Awesome Rust

Applications / Message Queue

Applications / MLOps

26. Awesome Postgres

Contents / Utilities