Awesome List Updates on Jul 22 - Jul 28, 2024

32 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Geek Podcasts

In French

2. Awesome Bash

Command-Line Productivity

3. Awesome Polars

Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Polars plugins

4. Awesome Micropython

Sensors / Accelerometer Digital

Sensors / Barometer

Books / SRAM

5. Awesome Azure Openai Llm

Semantic Kernel / Semantic Kernel Planner

Other techniques and LLM patterns / Llama Finetuning

OpenAI's Roadmap and Products / OpenAI Products

Evaluating Large Language Models / OSS Alternatives for OpenAI Code Interpreter (aka. Advanced Data Analytics)

LLM Evalution Benchmarks / Language Understanding and QA

LLM Evalution Benchmarks / Coding

LLM Evalution Benchmarks / Chatbot Assistance

LLM Evalution Benchmarks / Reasoning

LLM Evalution Benchmarks / Translation

LLM Evalution Benchmarks / Math

6. Awesome Vite

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations

7. Awesome Creative Coding

Visual Programming Languages

8. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Feed Readers

9. Awesome Discord Communities

Support Communities

Server Icon

Devcord Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #javascript, #frontend, #backend, #php, #mobile, #design, #devops, #career, #code-review, #webtopic, #desktopic, #community-projects, #paid-work
Language: English

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Developer's Keep
Notable Channels: #project-showcase, #java-jvm, #python, #c-family, #javascript, #c-sharp, #hardware
Language: English \

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EngineerMan Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #linux, #c-cpp-csharp, #python, #go-rust, #js-ts-node-deno-html-css, #java-kotlin, #julia-ruby-swift, #datascience-sql, #os-hardware-robotics, #networking-security-mods
Language: English

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Garbage Collectors Git Repository
Notable Channels: #python exercises, #code feedback, #collaboration, #csharp,#java, #c and cpp, #web, #mobile, #security, #algos and ds, #networking, #resources, #machinelearning
Language: English

Server Icon

Programming Git Repository
Notable Channels: #data-science, #graphics-programming, #dev-tools-and-ops, #unix-like, #web-dev, #security, #c-language, #java-jvm, #javascript, #odin-lang, so much more
Language: English

Server Icon

Programming Discussions Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #beginners, #interview-prep, #java-and-jvm,#c-sharp-and-dotnet, #ai-and-ml, #asm-and-systems, #cs-theory, #databses, #software-architecture, #shells, so much more
Language: English

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r/CodingHelp Reddit Badge Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #general, #html-css, #javascript, #php, #java, #python, #csharp, #c-cpp
Language: English \

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The Coding Den Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #cil-and-runtime, #kotlin,#scala, #android, #ios, #nodejs, #ruby, #php, #web-frameworks, #algorithms, #regex, #systems-and-servers, so much more
Language: English

Server Icon

The Odin Project Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #odin-general, #creations-showcase, #ubuntu-help,#tech-support-general, #virtualbox-help, #git-help, #html-css-help, #javascript-help, #nodejs-help, #rails-help
Language: English

Server Icon

The Programmer's Hangout Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #beginners, #javascript, #java, #kotlin,#rust-lang, #ruby, #ai-and-ml, #career-advice, #databases, #gamedev, #ux-and-ui, #shells, #version-control, so much more
Language: English

Server Icon

webdev and web_design Reddit Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #dev-help, #dev-chat, #app-feedback,#design, #user-experience, #html, #css, #javascript, #typescript, js-framework, #react, #vue, #php, #dot-net, #devops, so much more
Language: English

Server Icon

World of Coding Official Badge Reddit Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #hire-devs, #coding-help, #programming-help, #hacking, #infosec, #linux, #web-dev, #game-dev, #js, #python
Language: English

C and C++

Server Icon

#include Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #assembly, #c, #gpu, #audio, #build-systems, #cpp, #embedded, #learning, #security #conferences, #tooling, #2d-graphics, #clion, #catch2, #qt
Language: English

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C++ Help Git Repository
Notable Channels: #cpp-questions, #help, #advanced, #gamedev, #project-showcase
Language: English \

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Together C & C++ Git Repository
Notable Channels: #c_general, #cpp_general, #assembly, #code_review, #gamedev, #graphics, #audio, #programming_environment, #collaboration, #unix, #other_langs_help, #math
Language: English


Server Icon

Notable Channels: #new-to-css, #intermediate-users, #blog-posts, #less, #sass, #scss, #native-css-feature, #tailwind
Language: English

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Tailwind CSS Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #help, #tailwind-css, #core-dev, #plugins, #docs, #tailwind-ui, #design, #development, #showcase
Language: English


Server Icon

Delphi Community Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general-chat, #programming, #user-interface, #network, #database, #homework, #user-projects, #job-exchange
Language: English, Deutsch, Pусский, Afrikaans, Português, Español, Français

Server Icon

Delphi Programmers
Notable Channels: #general, #general-rad-studio, #rtl, #ide-tooling, #vcl, #fmx, #crossvcl, #general-web, #datasnap, #radserver, #tmswebcore, #skia4delphi
Language: English

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Unofficial Free Pascal
Notable Channels: #general, #support-free-pascal, #support-lazarus, #support-delphi, #support-misc, #projects, #resources
Language: English


Server Icon

Notable Channels: #general, #ruby-steep, #ruby-help, #rails-help, #challenges, #ruby-arcana, #hiring, #seeking
Language: English


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Ärorust Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #resources, #drones, #space, #general-aviation, #rtos, #osal, #splice, #godwit, #ideas, #books, #conferences
Language: English

Server Icon

Rust Programming Language Community Server Git Repository
Notable Channels: #beginners, #code-review, #dev-tools, #black-magic, #macros, #async, #crypto-and-security, #games-and-graphics, #lang-dev, #net-and-web, #os-dev
Language: English

Server Icon

Tauri Apps Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #webview, #didathing, #help, #gamedevs, #app-devs, #vue-cli-plugin, #testing-core, #documentation, #community-projects, #working-groups, #cli-node, #core-rust
Language: English

Server Icon

The Rust Programming Language Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #beginners, #contribute, #community-team, #rustbridge, #design, #compiler, #wg-grammar, #wg-async-foundation, #type-theory, #wg-wasm, #wg-gamedev, so much more
Language: English

Server Icon

Tokio Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #tokio-users, #tokio-dev, #tokio-docs, #ecosystem, #butte, #hyper, #h3, #kube, #mio, #prost, #reqwest, #tonic, #tower, #tracing, #warp, #loom, #rdbc, #metrics
Language: English


Server Icon

Cardano Community Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #learning, #trading, #yoroi-general, #yoroi-support, #daedalus-general, #daedalus-support, #dev-general, #cip
Language: English, 日本語, 中文, 한국어, Deutsch, Nedarlands, português, español, Czech

Server Icon

EtherGem / EGEM & SFRX Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #egem-chat, #sfrx-chat, #mn-talk, #docker-mn-talk, #otc-market, #trading-talk, #mining, #zero-coin, #dev-talks, #bounties
Language: English, português, 中文, français, Deutsch, русский, 日本語, 한국어, español

Server Icon

Metrix Market Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #metrix-discussion, #day_trading
Language: English, Nederlands, עִבְרִית‎, 日本語, 中文, 한국어, Deutsch, português, español français, italiano, 한국어, русский, Türkçe, język polski

Server Icon

Nano Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #documentation, #development, #decentralization, #graphic-design, #business, #events, #integration, #protocol, #roadmap, #support
Language: English, español, русский, bahasa Indonesia, italiano, Deutsch, 中文, français, português, Türkçe, Tiếng Việt

Server Icon

Vertcoin - Official Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #general, #trading, #marketing, #development, #mining-help, #mining-rig-discussion
Language: English, 한국어, русский

Back to top

Computationally model natural or supernatural phenomena using the rigorous laws of physics and mathematics in your favorite application environment.

Server Icon

Manim Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #3blue1brown, #manim-help, #python-help, #math-discussion, #manim-dev, #projects, #docs
Language: English, español, português, français, Deutsch, русский \

Server Icon

dimforge Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #rapier, #bevy_rapier, #rapier-js, #parry, #salva, #nalgebra, #simba, #nphysics, #simba
Language: English \

10. Awesome Svelte


11. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

12. Awesome Rust

Applications / System tools

Libraries / Data streaming

13. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Exits / Burnout

14. Awesome Streaming

Table of Contents / Streaming Library

15. Awesome Integration

Projects / Messaging

Projects / Workflow engine

16. Awesome Amazon Seller

Software and Tools

17. Android Security Awesome

Exploits/Vulnerabilities/Bugs / Malware

18. Awesome Crystal

C bindings

Network Protocols

19. Awesome Mac

Utilities / System Related Tools

20. Alternative Internet

Developer tools and frameworks

Social Networks


21. Awesome Coq

Projects / Libraries

Resources / Tutorials and Hints

22. Awesome Go


Databases Implemented in Go



Web Frameworks

DevOps Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares

23. Awesome Privacy

Fitness trackers

24. Awesome Nix

DevOps / Discovery

Programming Languages / Gleam

25. Free for Dev

Security and PKI


Generative AI

Low-code Platform


Analytics, Events and Statistics

Other Free Resources

26. Awesome List


Decentralized Systems

27. Awesome Blazor

Videos / Others

Articles / Others

28. Awesome Neovim

(requires Neovim 0.5)

Web Development / Diagnostics

Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics

Media / Diagnostics

Utility / Diagnostics

Test / Diagnostics

Resource / Diagnostics

29. Awesome Javascript

Testing Frameworks / Frameworks

MVC Frameworks and Libraries / Runner

Date / Runner

Benchmark / Runner

Generators / Other

Misc / Other

30. Awesome Userscripts

Scripts / ChatGPT

31. Awesome Angular


Books / Google Developer Experts

Certification / Google Developer Experts

Authentication / Google Developer Experts

CLI / Google Developer Experts

Deployment / Google Developer Experts

Integrations / Google Developer Experts

Free / Google Developer Experts

Loaders / Google Developer Experts

Maps / Google Developer Experts

Markdown / Google Developer Experts

Tables / Google Developer Experts

Unspecified / Google Developer Experts

Misc Components / Google Developer Experts

TypeScript / Google Developer Experts

32. Awesome Typescript

Standalone apps / Playground