Awesome List Updates on Jun 19 - Jun 25, 2023
44 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Fiber
⚙️ Middlewares / 💻 Contrib
- jwt (⭐239) - JWT returns a JSON Web Token (JWT) auth middleware.
- websocket (⭐239) - Based on Fasthttp WebSocket for Fiber with Locals support!
2. Awesome Directus
Extensions / Community
- API Viewer (⭐115) - View and run API queries directly from a Module.
3. Awesome CoreML Models
- ChordSuggester - Predicts the most likely next chord based on the entered Chord Progression. Download (⭐2) | Demo (⭐2) | Reference
4. Awesome Cakephp
CMS and applications built on CakePHP
- baserCMS (⭐174) - This is a website development framework with RESTful APIs. Installable as a plugin for CakePHP.
5. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- Creating a Twitter Clone with Blazor Spark -
June 21, 2023 - Learn how to utilize the Blazor Spark framework by building a Twitter clone.
6. Alternative Internet
- nostr stands for “Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays” and is an open protocol for censorship-resistant global networks. There are already many implementations available.
7. Awesome Billing
- Billed for ¥21,120, invoiced at ¥2,112,000 and paid ¥2,112,000 - Get rid of integers and floats for monetary values. Use decimals. Or face the risks of anomalous x100 charges.
8. Free Programming Books (English, By Subjects)
0 - Meta-Lists
Algorithms & Data Structures
- Essential Algorithms - Krzysztof Kowalczyk and Stack Overflow Documentation project (HTML)
Game Development
- Game AI Pro - Steve Rabin
Graphics Programming
- Graphics Programming Black Book - Michael Abrash (PDF)
- Learn OpenGL - Joey de Vries
- ShaderX series - Wolfgang Engel
- Creative Commons: a user guide - Simone Aliprandi (PDF)
- Open Source Licensing Software Freedom and Intellectual Property Law - Lawrence Rosen
Operating Systems
- Flexible Operating System Internals: The Design and Implementation of the Anykernel and Rump Kernels - Antti Kantee (PDF)
- Operating Systems: From 0 to 1 (⭐12k) - Tu, Ho Doang (PDF) (🚧 in process)
- The Little Book About OS Development - Erik Helin, Adam Renberg - (PDF, HTML)
- Xv6, a simple Unix-like teaching operating system - Russ Cox, Frans Kaashoek and Robert Morris (PDF, HTML)
Prompt Engineering
- DALLE-E 2 prompt book - Dallery.Gallery, Guy Parson (PDF)
9. Awesome Go
- gocache (⭐9) - A data race free Go ache library with high performance and auto pruge functionality
- zax (⭐26) - Integrate Context with Zap logger, which leads to more flexibility in Go logging.
- gofn (⭐52) - High performance utility functions written using Generics for Go 1.18+.
10. Awesome Rust
- mdBook (⭐19k) - A command line utility to create books from markdown files
11. Discount for Student Dev
IDE and Code Editing
- DeepScan [FREE] - DeepScan is a platform for building better and more reliable JavaScript apps. Free 6-month trial while you are a student.
- PopSQL [FREE] - Modern, collaborative SQL editor for your team — write queries, visualize data, and share your results. Free Premium subscription for PopSQL while you're a student.
- Kodika [FREE] - Build iOS applications with drag & drop. Kodika Unlimited Pro subscription free for 6 months.
- Polypane [FREE] - A powerful browser and developer tool that lets developers and designers make better websites and web apps in less time. Polypane free for 1 year.
- Xojo [FREE] - A cross-platform development tool for making native apps for the Desktop. Xojo Pro license free while you are a student.
Version Control
- DeepSource [FREE] - Static code analyzer for Python and Go. Detect bug risks, anti-patterns and security vulnerabilities. Free for students.
Design and Photo Editing
- Sketch [FREE] - Get Sketch for free as a student or educator.
- Blockchair [FREE] - Connect to the world of blockchains through Blockchair’s professional APIs — supports most major cryptocurrencies.100,000 free requests.
- Mailgun [FREE] - Powerful APIs that enable you to send, receive and track email effortlessly.20,000 free emails and 100 free email validations each month for up to 12 months, available via Github Student Developer Pack.
- POEditor [FREE] - POEditor is a highly scalable localization management platform for teams.Plus Plan for free for one year.
Programming Help
- Covalence[FREE] - Join an exclusive developer community and learn Full Stack web-development with no long-term commitments.One free month of Covalence's Atomic Plan and two 1-on-1 mentoring sessions via Github Student Developer Pack.
- LambdaTest [FREE] - Perform automated and live interactive cross browser testing on 2000+ real browsers and operating systems online.Free LambdaTest Live Plan for one year.
Visual Analytics
- CodeScene [FREE] - A powerful visualization tool that uses Predictive Analytics to identify social patterns in your code, detect delivery risks and manage technical debt.A free Student account to analyze private GitHub repositories.
- DailyBot [FREE] - Automate daily stand-ups, follow-ups, retrospectives, surveys and feedback for your team.DailyBot Business plan free for 1 year.
Infrastructure Monitoring
- HoneyBadger[FREE] - Exception, uptime, and cron monitoring.Free Small account for 1 year available via Github Student Developer Pack.
12. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- Kotlin/kotlinx-benchmark (⭐525) - A powerful library for benchmarking in Kotlin.
13. Awesome Flask
Auth / Basic Auth and Session-based (for HTML Endpoints)
- Flask-Session - Session managment.
Email / Testing
- Flask-Mail-SendGrid (⭐16) - Provides simple email base on Flask-Mail for sending email by SendGrid.
Security / Testing
- Flask-Argon2 (⭐19) - Provides argon2 hashing utilities.
Utils / Testing
- Flask-Injector (⭐280) - Adds support for dependency injection.
- Flask-SSE - Streaming with flask.
External Resources / Testing
- Patrick Kennedy's Blog - Numerous tutorials on learning Python web application development with Flask.
PaaS / Testing
Serverless / Testing
Boilerplates / Testing
- flask-htmx-boilerplate (⭐35) - Boilerplate template for a Python Flask application with HTMX and Tailwind CSS.
14. Awesome Polars
Resources / Talks and videos
- Polars - make the switch to lightning-fast dataframes ⏳
30 min
- A talk that reports an experience switching from Pandas to Polars in a real-world ML project by @datenzauberai. Slides are available here (⭐6).
- Polars: A highly optimized dataframe library ⏳
20 min
- A video that presents some mains features of Polars by @mattharrison.
15. Awesome Javascript
- SWC - Extensible Rust-based platform for compilation.
Notifications / Runner
- toastify-js (⭐2.1k) - Pure JavaScript library for better notification messages.
16. Awesome Datascience
Free Courses
- Python for Data Science by Scaler - This course is designed to empower beginners with the essential skills to excel in today's data-driven world. The comprehensive curriculum will give you a solid foundation in statistics, programming, data visualization, and machine learning.
17. Awesome Phalcon
Conferences / Communities
- MeWe - Phalcon on MeWe
- Phalcon Russian Community Chat - Russian Community Chat in
- Telegram - Phalcon on Telegram
Books / Communities
- Phalcon Book (in French) - Phalcon : Develop complex and powerful web applications in PHP
18. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Science Logology / Democratization of Science
- Six factors affecting reproducibility in life science research and how to handle them - Nature Advertisement.
Science Logology / Laboratory Automation
- The Internet of Things comes to the lab - Nature, 2017. [All Versions]. The emergence of connected instruments and equipment promises to untether researchers from the laboratory --- letting them fine-tune experiments and analyse data remotely.
19. Awesome Jupyter
Hosted Notebook Solutions
- Pinggy - Create a tunnel to your Jupyter instance even if it is behind a firewall or NAT.
- Sharing Jupyter Notebooks from localhost - Sharing Jupyter Notebooks from localhost.
20. Awesome Magento2
- RabbitMQ Retry Mechanism (⭐57) - Magento 2 extension that brings possibility to retry RabbitMQ failed messages
21. Awesome List
- Game Engine Development (⭐975) - Building software to speed up game creation.
- Game Production (⭐108) - Leading the process of designing, developing, testing and distributing a video game from concept to release.
- STEAM (⭐108) - Supplements for specific science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) courses across all grade levels.
- Security Card Games (⭐112) - Train your skills and discuss various security topics.
- Suricata (⭐138) - Intrusion detection/prevention system and network security monitoring engine.
- ADS-B (⭐120) - Technology broadcasting aircraft's identity, position, and data periodically.
- Flying FPV (⭐332) - Open hardware and software related to drones / UAVs.
Decentralized Systems
- Cosmos SDK (⭐539) - Modular framework for building app-specific blockchains in Go.
22. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Germany
- - A specialized information service for historians that offers access to research tools and services.
23. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- chinatown (⭐2) - Powerline-esque theme with decorators for the exit status of the last command run, user@hostname, virtual environments and current directory. Requires a nerdfont font.
- joje (⭐0) - Includes decorators for
status and current directory.
- less-noise (⭐0) - Minimalist theme with decorators for
status, current directory and the current time.
- rs (⭐0) - Includes
decorations. Requires unicode capable terminal.
24. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Aim (⭐5.3k) -> An easy-to-use & supercharged open-source AI metadata tracker.
25. Awesome Terraform
Self-hosted Terraform Platforms / IDE
- Terrakube - Open Source alternative to Terraform Enterprise with private registry, remote state, custom flows, scheduled workspaces, and visual states.
26. Nginx Resources
27. Awesome Osint
Domain and IP Research / Steam
- (⭐7) - automates gathering website profiling data into a CSV from the "BuiltWith" or "Wappalyzer" API for tech stack information, technographic data, website reports, website tech lookups, website architecture lookups, etc.
28. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- shadowsocks-electron (⭐319) - Cross-platform Shadowsocks client.
For Electron / Other
- electron-vite (⭐3k) - Fast and easy-to-use build tool integrated with Vite.
29. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Build tools
- Vite (⭐69k) - Front-end build tool with hot module replacement and static asset bundling.
Packages / Hardware
- modbus-serial (⭐646) - A pure JavaScript implementation of MODBUS-RTU (serial and TCP).
Resources / Courses
Resources / Tools
- Amplication (⭐15k) - Auto-generates fully functional apps.
- RunJS - Desktop JavaScript playground.
30. Awesome Minecraft
Softwares / Servers
- Legendary-Java-Minecraft-Geyser-Floodgate (⭐146) - PaperMC server with out of the box Geyser and Floodgate support using docker.
- minecraft-docker (⭐1) - Fork of Legendary-Java-Minecraft-Geyser-Floodgate (⭐146) that embeds a discord bot for easy starting and stopping of the server.
31. Awesome Arcgis Developers
- ArcGIS JS API Module Butler - VSCode extension for quickly adding ES import statements for the @arcgis/core package without leaving your current code context.
32. Awesome Ironsworn
Resources / Ironsworn
- Minimalist Starforged Character Sheet - Simple character sheet for Starforged and Sundered Isles
33. Awesome Wpo
Analyzers / Meetups
- Lightest App - Webpage load time is extremely important for conversion and revenue. Visualize web performance against competitors.
Image Optimizers / Meetups
- Shortpixel - Compress Your Image by removing unnecessary bytes of the image and Convert it into WebP/AVIF
34. Awesome Bash
Books and Resources
- The Bash-Hackers Wiki - Human-readable documentation of any kind about GNU Bash.
- Bash beginner's mistakes - List of Bash beginner mistakes (by the Bash-Hackers Wiki).
35. Awesome Nix
Development / Discovery
- nixd (⭐973) - Nix language server, based on Nix libraries.
Overlays / Webinterface
- chaotic-nyx (⭐406) - Daily bumped bleeding edge packages like
& others that aren't yet in Nixpkgs. Created by the makers of Chaotic-AUR.
36. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Other Tools
- Amazing AI - Generate images from text using Stable Diffusion.
37. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Automation
- Apache Airflow - Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. (Source Code (⭐39k))
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Tailchat - Next generation noIM application in your own workspace, not only another Slack/Discord/ (Demo, Source Code (⭐3.1k))
Software / Communication - Email - Complete Solutions
- Dovel - SMTP server that sends and receives emails according to a simple configuration file, with an optional web interface that you can use to browse your emails. (Source Code)
Software / Miscellaneous
- Flagsmith - Flagsmith provides a dashboard, API and SDKs for adding Feature Flags to your applications (alternative to LaunchDarkly). (Source Code (⭐5.3k))
38. Free for Dev
Code Generation
- Appinvento — AppInvento is a free No code app builder. In the automatically generated backend code, users have complete access to the source code and unlimited APIs and routes, allowing for extensive integration. The free plan includes three projects, five tables, and a Google add-on.
39. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- chrisgrieser/nvim-dr-lsp (⭐29) - Status line component showing the number of LSP definition and reference of the token under the cursor.
File Explorer / Diagnostics
- echasnovski/mini.nvim#mini.files (⭐6.2k) - Module of
providing file explorer with column view capable of manipulating file system by editing text. Can create/delete/rename/copy/move files/directories inside and across directories.
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- sonjiku/yawnc.nvim (⭐15) - Theming using pywal, with a Base16 twist.
Git / Diagnostics
- linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim (⭐185) - Maintained fork of "ruifm's gitlinker", refactored with bug fixes, ssh aliases, blame support and other improvements.
Formatting / Diagnostics
- bennypowers/svgo.nvim (⭐2) - Optimize SVG files.
40. Awesome Zig
C/C++ libraries packaged for Zig / C++
- kassane/context (⭐0) - (boost-context) fiber library (C++14/17/20).
41. Awesome Ada
Parsers, Scanners, Linters, Analysers, Interpreters and Prettyprinters / Apache License
- aflex-ayacc - Ada scanner and parser generators.
42. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Ethics, Philosophical questions and Discussions about Generative AI
- Embracing change and resetting expectations | Microsoft Unlocked: text by Terence Tao
Generative AI Tools Directories
- Vondy - Next Generation AI Apps: collection of AI tools organized by tasks
- AI Tool Master List: directory maintained by ClickUp
ChatGPT / Multi-agents
- Advanced Guide to ChatGPT: guide by
Large Language Models (LLMs)
- SolidUI (⭐584): AI-generated visualization prototyping and editing platform, support 2D, 3D models, combined with LLM(Large Language Model) for quick editing.
Image Segmentation / Deforum
- Introducing Voicebox: The first generative AI model for speech to generalize across tasks with state-of-the-art performance
43. Awesome Ai in Finance
- PIXIU (⭐571) - An open-source resource providing a financial large language model, a dataset with 136K instruction samples, and a comprehensive evaluation benchmark.
- FinGPT (⭐14k) - Provides a playground for all people interested in LLMs and NLP in Finance.
- MACD + RSI + ADX Strategy (ChatGPT-powered) by TradeSmart - Asked ChatGPT on which indicators are the most popular for trading. We used all of the recommendations given.
44. Machine Learning with Ruby
Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Vector search
- 2022
- Discover Machine Learning in Ruby by Justin Bowen [video]
- Prev: Jun 26 - Jul 02, 2023
- Next: Jun 12 - Jun 18, 2023